Indonesian Coconut Product Exporter 

Coconut is one of Indonesia’s most promising export commodities. Not only exported in the form of fresh fruit, but coconut derivative products also have high selling value in the international market. Several countries import coconut products from Indonesia, such as Europe, the United States, Australia, China, and Japan.

Seeing its high potential, many people are interested in getting into this business. To understand better how to become a coconut exporter Indonesia, here is some important information you need to know.

What is an Indonesian Coconut Product Exporter

In simple terms, exporters are individuals or companies that sell goods abroad. In other words, coconut exporter Indonesia are parties whose job is to sell coconut products and their derivatives from Indonesia to other countries. This business was born because of globalization, which makes it easier for someone to connect with the wider world. Selling products abroad can be easier for exporters because it can reduce trade flows.

There are two types of exporters, namely producer exporters and non-producer exporters. In other words, exporters do not always produce their goods but can be a party that sells goods belonging to other companies.

Indonesian Coconut Product Exporters’ Duties

Exporters are not only responsible for selling the products of domestic companies abroad. However, exporters must also be able to establish good communication and negotiations with companies that work together in the export-import sector. In the case of exports of coconut products, for example, exporters must be able to find clients and be responsible for maintaining product quality so that partnership can continue in the long term.

Before entering the export and import of coconut products business, understand the regulations, legal basis, and business administration. You might also need to have good communication skills. That way, you can respond to every customer complaint and need and avoid getting entangled in legal cases in the future. Also, as an exporter, you are the bridge between producers and importers.

How to Start an Exporter Business

Are you interested in becoming part of coconut exporter Indonesia? Here are some steps you can follow.

  1. Learn the needs of importing countries for coconut products you want to export.
  2. Complete various business documents, such as NPWP, SIUP, TDP, Customs Identification Number, etc.
  3. Prepare several export documents, such as packing lists, invoices, and bills of lading.
  4. Create and register your business website on international portals.
  5. Access the page and take advantage of the facilities the government provides.
  6. Take advantage of social media for marketing, both to find suppliers and customers.

Those are some information about coconut exporter Indonesia you need to know before starting. One of Indonesia’s leading suppliers of coconut products is PT Kelapa Asli Indonesia. With passion and a strong team, PT Kelapa Asli Indonesia is committed to continuing to distribute high-quality coconut products and provide the needs of the international market for Indonesian coconut products.

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